gives you the safety status for the URL. This way, you
are not only protected from unsafe sites but you also
let other Facebook users know the security status of
any Web site.
However, Norton Safe Web requires your permission
to scan the URLs that are available on your Facebook
Wall. When you log in to Facebook, Norton Safe Web
You can choose to allow or deny permission to let
Norton Safe Web access your Facebook Wall.
The auto-scanfeature inNorton SafeWeb application
page helps you protect your Facebook Wall. Norton
Safe Web scansthe News Feed on yourFacebook Wall
periodically and protects you from malicious links.
When Norton Safe Web detects a malicious link, it
notifies you with a post on your Facebook Wall. To
page on Facebook and click EnableAuto-Scan.
Toremovethemaliciouslinkfromyour FacebookWall,
go to your profile and remove the malicious link. If
your friend hasposted the malicious link, youcan use
the WARNYOURFRIENDS optionin the message to
alert your Facebook friend. You can also click See
NortonSafeWebReport toview Norton ratings and
other details about this malicious link. When no
malicious activity is detected on your Facebook Wall,
Norton Safe Web posts a message notifying that your
Facebook Wall is safe. Norton Safe Web posts this
messageon yourFacebookWalloncein every30days.
If you later decide to remove Norton Safe Web from
your Facebook profile, you can use the Application
Settings option of Facebook.
183Scanning your computer
About Scan FacebookWall