when Automatic Program Control is turned on. You
can use this option to specify how Norton 360 must
control any network traffic that uses Teredo to
communicate with your computer.
When you turn off Automatic Program control, you
canturn onAdvancedEventsMonitoring. Youcanuse
the Internet access settings for Internet-enabled
programs the first time that they run. When you turn
on the Advanced Events Monitoring feature, you are
or deny any of the events that may harm your
computer. When the event occurs for the first time, a
firewall alert appears and you can allow or block the
event. When you allow the event, the event details
appearunder therelevantcategory thatisavailablein
Advanced Events Monitoring. The application that
triggers the allowed event is added to the Trusted list
of its corresponding category in Advanced Events
Monitoring. You can remove the application from the
list. In this case, firewall alert appears when the
application triggers the event next time.
The Advanced Events Monitoring settings consist of
the following categories that provides your computer
with advanced protection:
that launch Internet-enabled
Program Component
that attach to safe programs
without being detected.
Program Launch
Monitors the Trojan horses or
malicious programs thatlaunch
trusted applications in hidden
mode through command-line
513Customizing settings
About Firewall settings