
suspicious or vulnerable on your computer using the
run different types of Reputation Scan and detect
suspicious programs on your computer.
ReputationScan filtersthefileson thebasisofcertain
filtering criteria and performs an InsightNetwork
Scan on the filtered files. Reputation Scan filters the
files as reputation files. It filters .exe files, .scr files,
.sys files, .dll files, .drv files, .ocx files, .loc files, and
.msi files and analyzes these files.
When you perform a Reputation Quick Scan or Full
that are available on your computer.
After it has filtered the reputation files, Norton 360
performsan InsightNetworkScan.When Norton360
performs an InsightNetworkScan, italso performs a
ComputerScan. Norton 360 uses the ComputerScan
to perform the signature-based threat detection. It
compares thesignature of thefiltered reputationfiles
on your computer. If a security threat is detected,
Norton 360 automatically removes the threat from
your computer.
Norton 360 uses the InsightNetworkScan todetect
suspicious or vulnerable fileson your computer using
the reputation-based threat detection. The Insight
NetworkScan uses the Cloud technology wherein a
remote Symantec server on the Web stores the latest
reputation information. It checks the Cloud for the
reputation information on the filtered files.
Norton 360 obtains specific information such as file
name and hash key about the filtered reputation files
and sends this information to the Cloud. The Cloud
for each file. The Symantec server sends back the
filtered files is suspicious or vulnerable, Norton 360
assignsBador Poortrustlevel.Apartfrom reputation
171Scanning your computer
About Reputation Scan