1 Theamountofonlinestoragespacethatisavailable
to you
Your product needs to be activated to use the online
backup feature. The first time you configure online
backup, Norton 360 connects to your Norton Account
and requests that you signin to the account. You may
haveestablishedaNortonAccount whenyouinstalled
Norton 360 or when you installed another Norton
To sign in to your Norton Account, you use the email
address andthe passwordthat yousupplied whenyou
createdyour NortonAccount.You onlyneedto signin
to your Norton Account the first time that you
configure online backup. Norton 360 retains your
accountinformationsoyoudonothave tosignin again.
If you do not have a Norton Account when you
configure onlinebackup forthe first time,Norton 360
lets you create one.
Symantec provides 2 GB of online storage for each
Norton 360 product key. You can share the online
storagespacethatisallocatedtoyouusingyour Norton
two computers having Norton 360 installed on it and
registered with the same Norton Account. You can
share the storage space among your two computers.
You use 1 GB of online storage space for your first
computer. When you activate the online storage for
yoursecondcomputerusingthesameNorton Account,
that computer can use the remaining 1 GB of space.
BroadbandMode option in the My Network window
Settings window.
Purchasing more online storage space
of secure online storage space. When Norton 360
performs an online backup, it calculates the amount
of space that it needs for the backup. If your online
Protecting your mediaand data
About online backupconsiderations