Whether you have set Norton 360 to back up your PC
example, you have added or modified important files
and youwant tobe suretheyare safe.In thiscase, you
canrun abackup manually.You canalso runabackup
at the end of the day if you do not want to wait for an
automatic backup to occur.
Youcan viewthe detailsofyour backupactivity under
the backup category in the SecurityHistory window.
To back upyour files
In the Norton360 main window, click Backup,and
then click RunBackupNow.
Follow any instructionsfor performing the backup
that Norton 360 provides.
For example, if you choose to back up your files to
CDs,thenNorton360asksyoutoinserta recordable
In the Backup window, click Close.
Restoring files
The reason to have a good backup is to restore your
files from the backup if the need arises. Norton 360
provides an easy method to restore your backed-up
Bydefault, Norton360displays thebackup locationof
the most recent backup set you ran and the original
locations of the files.
Torestorefilesfromonlinebackup,you mustconfigure
the MeteredBroadbandMode optionin the My
is available in the Settings window.
447Protecting your mediaand data
Restoring files