use the Settings option in the FileInsight window to
turn off the PerformanceAlerting option.
Performance alerts are not displayed when your
computer is idle or in Silent Mode.
For each system resource, such as CPU, memory, and
hard disk, there is a resource consumption threshold
exceeds thedefined thresholdlimit,Norton 360alerts
you with a performance alert.
You can use the ResourceThresholdProfilefor
Alerting option to configure the threshold limit. To
access the ResourceThresholdProfileforAlerting
option, go to the Norton 360 main window, and then
click Settings>AdministrativeSettings>
Youcan usethe UseLowResourceProfileOnBattery
Power option to let Norton 360 automatically change
the resource threshold profile to low when your
computer runs on battery power.
You can useHigh-UsageAlertfor option to configure
Norton 360 to alert for high usage of CPU, memory,
disk, and handles.
In addition, you can add programs to the Program
Exclusions list using theProgramExclusions option.
When you add a program to the ProgramExclusions
list, Norton 360 does not alert you when the program
exceeds the defined resource consumption threshold
You can view all the performance-related logs under
the PerformanceAlert category in the Security
History window.
Monitoring your system'sperformance
About System Insight