Contains the most important
virus definitions that are
required for latest security
threats as viewed by Symantec.
The Core Set is asubset of the
Complete Set, and it is
approximately 30 percent
smaller than the Complete Set.
The Core Set minimizes
and system start time. Italso
occupies lesser amount of disk
space as compared to the
Complete Set virus definitions.
Therefore, the Core Set results
in faster performance of your
Core Set
The Core Set virus definitions are called as Smart
option to choose between Core Set virus definitions
and Complete Set virus definitions for LiveUpdate
tab in the Antivirus settings window.
During Automatic LiveUpdate or each time that you
run LiveUpdate manually, Norton 360 checks if the
SmartDefinitions option is turned on or off. It then
downloads and installs the desired set of virus
definitions based on the option settings. By default,
theSmartDefinitionsoptionisturnedon, whichmeans
Turning off or turning on Smart Definitions
contains most important definitions for the latest
security threats.
As the Smart Definitions are of considerably smaller
size, it results in lesser download time, lesser
43Getting Started
About updating Norton360