Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide Page 16 - 11
16. Internet Services
16. Internet Services
Administration Logon
The Network administrator factory default username and password
for the embedded HTTP server is listed in the following table. It is
the same logon that is required for access at the Document Centre.
This logon is needed when modifying Document Centre properties
using Internet Services. For details on modifying Properties see the
section entitled Accessing the Document Centre Properties.
It is recommended that you change this password after the initial
logon to prevent unauthorized access to the HTTP server.
How to change the Administrator Password.
1. Go to the Document Centre control panel.
2. Enter the Tools pathway.
a) Press the Access ( or ) button.
b) On the keypad enter 1111 or the current password. Press
the Enter button when finished. The Touch Screen will
be used for the remainder of the data entry, unless
instructed otherwise.
c) Press the Go to Tools button.
3. Press the Access and Accounting button.
4. Press the Tools Mode Access button.
5. At the next screen, press the User Number field. When the
background of this field turns black, use the numbers on the
keypad to enter a new number. Record this number and keep
in a safe place.
6. Press the Close button. Then press Exit Tools. Re-enter the
Tools menu to validate the change has taken effect.
Embedded HTTP Server Administrator Logon
Administrator Username admin
Administrator Password 1111