Page 16 - 30 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Distribute to Fax
If you have an external fax hardware or software solution installed,
you can also scan to a Fax folder. When you scan to a Fax folder,
your fax solution software detects the Fax file in the repository and
sends the fax to the specified recipient(s). You can access the fax
settings for modification by clicking Edit.
To edit fax information:
1. Select a Fax destination and click Edit (under Destinations).
2. Refer to the table below and select the delivery options.
3. Enter the desired recipient information.
4. Click the Apply New Settings button.
Category Setting Description
Fax Delivery Immediate sends the fax immediately.
Delayed Send sends the fax at the Hour/Minute and
AM/PM specified.
Type the phone number and click the button with the
green arrow to add the number to the list.
Click the button with the red X to remove the number
from the list.