Page 16 - 72 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Setting Security
The HTTP Settings pages are used to set up access to the Document
Centre’s embedded HTTP server. You can set up security by
defining IP address restrictions.
Users are then restricted from accessing certain web pages (files
and directories) unless they have the appropriate client IP address.
The security settings are saved in a configuration file for the
specific Document Centre’s embedded HTTP server and apply only
to that HTTP server.
Defining IP Restrictions
The Edit IP Restriction Settings Page is used to define the IP
addresses that can or cannot access certain web pages (files or
directories) on the embedded HTTP server. By entering an IP
address and clicking the appropriate button, you can allow or
restrict access.
Ensure that you know your network configuration and user’s
browser configurations. The HTTP Server allows/restricts access to
the IP addresses as they appear in the list. For example, if users
connect through a proxy server to access a Document Centre, the
proxy server’s IP address needs to be restricted to restrict the access
of those particular users.
An asterisk (*) can be used in the address as a wildcard. Using the
wildcard includes or restricts (depending whether you are allowing
or restricting access) all host addresses and/or subnet addresses. For
example, 192.246.238.* references a subnet, 192.246.* references a
wider subnet, 192.* references the widest subnet, and * references
all host addresses.
When a request is made to access the web site, the embedded HTTP
server checks the IP Address Permissions list to determine if the
requesting IP address is allowed access. The HTTP server begins at
the top of the list and stops when it finds the first entry that matches
the IP address requesting access.
If there are two entries that correspond to the same IP address, the
first one in the list is used. The list explicitly determines access;