Page 18 - 8 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Network Accounting Troubleshooting
To be sure the Document Centre has had the Network Accounting
option installed and enabled, start a Web Browser from your
Network Accounting server and enter the IP address of the
Document Centre.
If you are not able to reach the printer, verify all TCP/IP
information by printing a configuration sheet.
At the Document Centre ”Home Page” select the Services button.
Verify that on the Job Submission screen, there are entries for
Login ID and Account ID. This will indicate that accounting has
been enabled.
The Network Accounting server software may contain some
troubleshooting tools that are useful to diagnose problems that may
be present at the server. These tools can be used to correct
configuration or communication problems that will prevent your
Document Centre from reporting accounting data.
For detailed information on these tools, consult your Network
Accounting Solutions documentation.
For general product and feature information visit the vendor website
or consult the software documentation.