Page 23 - 2 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
AppleTalk Protocol suite defined by Apple Computer for connecting computers
and peripherals using shielded twisted-pair wiring and transfer rates
of about 230.4 kilobytes per second. The network- and transport-
level protocols include Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP),
AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP), AppleTalk Session
Protocol (ASP), and the Name Binding Protocol (NBP).
ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol)
TCP/IP protocol for determining a DLC (Data-Link Control)
address from an IP (Internet Protocol) address.
ASCII (American
Standard Code for
A seven-bit binary code standardized by ANSI for use by personal
computers and some mainframes to represent alphanumeric and
graphical characters. An additional bit is included to form an eight-
bit character byte.
AUI (Attachment
Unit Interface)
Connector used with thick Ethernet that often includes a drop cable.
Bindery NetWare database of user names, passwords, groups, and
accounting information.
BNC A standardized connector used with Thinnet and coaxial cable.
Bus Topology A network topology in which nodes are connected to a single cable
with terminators at each end.
Client A network node that requests network services from a server.
Coaxial cable Data transmission medium with a single-wire conductor insulated
EMI/RFI (Electromagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency
CPU (Central
Processing Unit)
A personal computer’s primary microprocessor chip.
CSMA/CA (Carrier
Sense Multiple
Access With
Collision Avoidance)
Network access method using contention similar to CSMA/CD used
by LocalTalk networks. Unlike CSMA/CD, in this method the
sending node requests permission to send from the intended
receiving node. If the receiving node responds with a clear to send
signal, transmission begins.