Page 16 - 22 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Template Settings
Templates can automatically control characteristics such as:
• scan destination (document folder, Fax folder)
• scanned document output format (TIFF, Multi-page TIFF,
and PDF)
• image settings (resolution, contrast, etc.)
• fax sending options (send time, recipients)
• document management (fields for name, label, default val-
These characteristics are settings that you can specify in Internet
Services, including: General (template description), Scan Settings
(scan options), Distribution (storage and destination options), and
Document Management Fields. These options are described in the
following sections.
General Settings
Contains the template name, template description, template owner
name, suppress job log, and confirmation sheet settings.
To modify the General settings:
Template names can not be changed. You must delete the old
template and create a new one with the new name.
1. Type a new description or owner name.
2. Select the appropriate checkbox to suppress the job log or print
a confirmation sheet.
Suppress Job Log cannot be selected if the template is for faxing.
3. Click Apply.
4. To return to the previously saved settings, click Restore.