Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide Page 20 - 11
20. Scan Setup
without CentreWare
20. Scan Setup without
Overview of Repositories
NOTE Repositories may only be created with CentreWare Internet
Services through your Web Browser. For details on how to use
Internet Services to create Templates and Repositories, refer to the
document supplied with your Document Centre entitled Internet
Services Guide.
Public Repositories
Public repositories can be selected by all users as the destination for
their scanned files.
The scan template for a public repository includes the name and the
password required for access to the repository.
When this scan template is selected at the Document Centre, the
name and password will not have to be entered because the name
and password are already contained in the scan template. Be sure to
read the Repository Filing Policy information on the next page. The
Overwrite Filing Policy allows previously scanned jobs in the
directory to be overwritten. This might be an inappropriate Filing
Policy choice for a public repository.