Page 20 - 24 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Set Up Scanning - FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Before you start
Prior to starting the installation procedure, perform the following:
1. Ensure that the Document Centre is connected, configured, and
operating correctly as a network printer.
2. Ensure that FTP Services are running on a platform on the
network. If FTP Services is running on a Windows NT server,
ensure that Allow Only Anonymous Connections is NOT
3. Create a user account for the scanner.
If the account is created on a Windows NT server, select User
Cannot Change Password and Password Never Expires when
the password is set, and select Logon Locally under User
4. Create a directory to be used as a repository for scanned files.
If the directory is created on a Windows NT server, enter the
scan user name in the Alias box and select Access Read and
Set up options
There are two procedures that can be used to successfully set up
scanning. Read the information below and choose the procedure
that you will use to complete the installation:
• Set Up Scanning
To complete the native implementation of scanning for your
network environment, go to the section of this chapter titled Set
Up Scanning now.
• Use Xerox CentreWare Internet Services