Page 20 - 18 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
General Installation Requirements
Item Purpose Provided
Document Centre Scanning
Services kit
This kit must be installed before
proceeding with the installation steps in
this chapter.
Scan User Name When a document is scanned, the Docu-
ment Centre logs in to the user account
with the user name and password, transfers
the file to the server, and then logs out.
Scan User Password When a document is scanned, the Docu-
ment Centre logs in to the user account
with the user name and password, transfers
the file to the server, and then logs out.
File Repository Server The hard copy document is scanned by the
Document Centre and saved electronically
in a designated file server repository.
Repository Directory Repositories are directories or filing
destinations where documents are stored
and held in .XSM (Xerox document stor-
age) format folders. The default folder
name is DOC.XSM. A repository name
cannot exceed 8 characters.
NDS Tree • For an NDS installation, assign the
Document Centre to an NDS Tree.
• For a Bindery installation, set the NDS
Tree to a dash - to disable NDS.
NDS Context • For an NDS installation, assign the
Document Centre to an NDS Name
• For a Bindery installation, set the NDS
Context to a dash - to disable NDS.