Page 16 - 18 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Distribution Templates
Distribution templates control the manner in which a scanned
document is processed. They contain specific instructions that
define the electronic document’s format and details about how to
file, fax, store or distribute a scanned document. A default
distribution template is provided for Internet Services.
Distribution templates created with Internet Services are stored on
the Document Centre device. A Template Pool is a directory
location on a server.
Templates can be created once and used repeatedly. For example,
you may want to create a template with settings that you
consistently use when scanning documents. Then, each time you
scan, you can select the template and not have to change the
To access Distribution Templates:
1. Access Internet Services.
2. Click the Services tab or click Services from the Document
Centre Home Page.
3. Select Distribution Templates.
If Distribution Templates is not selectable, Scanning is not enabled
on the Document Centre or repositories have not been defined.
The list of available templates appears in the Distribution Template
directory tree.