Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide Page 16 - 57
16. Internet Services
16. Internet Services
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
These pages allow you to remotely define and modify GET, SET,
and Trap SNMP community names for the Document Centre. You
can also configure SNMP trap destinations for TCP/IP and
NetWare (IPX) that will receive traps from Document Centres on
the network.
SNMP Community Name properties that can be configured are:
• GET—returns the password for SNMP GET requests to the
Document Centre. Applications, such as Xerox Printer Map or
CentreWare, obtaining information from the device via SNMP
use this password.
• SET—returns the password for SNMP SET requests to the
Document Centre. Applications, such as Xerox Printer Map or
CentreWare, that set information on the device via SNMP use
this password.
• TRAP—returns the password for SNMP TRAPS from the
Document Centre. This is the default password for SNMP
TRAPS sent from the device via SNMP.