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Thank you for purchasing the Bose
T1 ToneMatch™ audio engine. The T1 ToneMatch™ audio engine provides the
ultimate control for performing musicians. When used with the Bose L1™ model II or model I system, the T1 allows
you to control the sound of your instrument as well as the output of the entire system. Using proprietary ToneMatch
presets and associated zEQ tonal adjustments, the T1 enables you to preserve the natural sound of instruments or
vocal microphones when amplified. Designed by musicians, for musicians, the Bose T1 ToneMatch™ audio engine
is contained in a small, portable enclosure that you can keep beside you during a performance.
Features and benefits
• Quick and easy-to-use interface
• One-cable connection to L1™ model II loudspeaker ToneMatch™ port
• Mountable on a Cylindrical Radiator
loudspeaker or a microphone stand
• High-quality, low-noise preamps in each channel, allowing the use of almost any instrument or microphone
• LED display and illuminated controls for playing on dimly-lit stages
• ToneMatch presets, a proprietary technology that optimizes system equalization to preserve the natural sound of
specific instruments or microphones
• zEQ, working in conjunction with the ToneMatch technology, automatically adjusts the low, mid, and high
frequency bands for the selected preset, allowing further tonal shaping
• Built-in chromatic tuner
• Performance scenes that can be saved and recalled
• Two flexible analog outputs
• System updates and ToneMatch presets available at www.Bose.com/musicians
• USB audio interface to your computer
• Compatible with L1
model I and model II systems
For more information
This owner’s guide provides only basic setup and operating instructions. For more in-depth information on using
this system, including tips, techniques, and frequently asked questions, please visit www.Bose.com/musicians.