2. This parameter is the Distortion Pan. The pan is the left/right positioning of the Distortion. The number 2 icon is telling you that in order
to access the Distortion Pan, you must press the number 2 button. You can then adjust the Pan of the Distortion by rotating the Data
3. This is the Mix parameter. It controls the overall strength of signal being fed into the digital effects from both distortion paths. The
number 4 icon indicates that in order to access the mix parameter, you must press the number 4 button. The mix parameter can then be
adjusted by rotating the Data Wheel.
4. This section of the display is telling you that there are four pages of Preamp parameters, and that you are currently on the second page.
Pressing the Next Page button will advance you to the third page of Preamp parameters.
Once you have accessed page 3 of the Preamp, the display will look something like this:
The display it now telling you five more things about the Preamp parameters.
1. This parameter is telling you that you are editing the parameters of the Tube distortion when it is on. You can also edit the bypassed
parameters of the Tube distortion. The number 1 icon is telling you that in order to access the status of editable Tube Distortion
parameters, you must press the number 1 button. You can then select the bypassed Tube Distortion parameters by rotating the Data
2. This is the Volume Level of the Tube Distortion. This parameter should be adjusted while watching the bar graph in the bottom of the
display. Use this parameter to prevent clipping from occuring. The number 2 icon is telling you that in order to access the Volume Level,
you must press the number 2 button. You can then change the Level value by rotating the Data Wheel.
3. This is the Volume Level of the Tube Distortion signal being fed into the digital section of the RP21D. Use this parameter to prevent digital
clipping from occuring. The number 3 icon is telling you that in order to access the Digital Level, you must press the number 3 button.
You can then change the Digital Level value by rotating the Data Wheel.
4. This is the combined Master Volume Level of the Program. Should digital clipping occur while using the Digital output, reduce this
parameter. The number 4 icon is telling you that in order to access the Master Level, you must press the number 4 button. You can then
change the Master Level value by rotating the Data Wheel.
5. This section of the display is telling you that there are four pages of Preamp parameters, and that you are currently on the third page.
Pressing the Next Page button will advance you to the fourth page of Preamp parameters.
Once you have accessed page 4 of the Preamp parameters, the display will look something like this:
The display it now telling you five more things about the Preamp parameters.