Connecting to a Computer by USB (NC-500 only)
What is USB?
The USB (Universal Serial Bus) is an interface for connecting computers to
peripheral devices. The NC-500 includes a USB connector that can be
connected directly to your computer. You can use this connection to save
important performance data to your computer. If you run appropriate
sequencer software on the computer, you can also use this connection to
play the NC-500 from your computer or to record from the NC-500 directly
into your computer.
The NC-500 maintains its data in a proprietary, non-compatible format. It is
not possible to edit or replay this data at a computer or other playback
device. To replay the data, please reload it into the NC-500.
The USB connection works with a computer only. It is not possible to connect
the NC-5000 to USB peripherals such as hard disks and CD-R/RW drives.
Making the USB Connection
Make the connection using a commercially available USB cable. A USB
connector has differently shaped connectors at each end: an “A” connector
at one end and a “B” connector at the other. Connect the “B” connector to
the NC-500, and then connect the “A” connector to your computer. Note
that the USB standard supports hot swapping, which means that you can
connect the NC-500 to your computer while your computer is running, with
no need to restart the computer.
MIDI Tone Generator Module
USB Cable
MIDI Cable
USB “B” Connector
USB “A” Connector
You can use the NC-500 itself as a USB MIDI interface. Connect the USB to a
computer and the MIDI OUT jack to a MIDI tone generator. The computer
and tone generator can then communicate via the NC-500.
If the USB is connected, the piano’s MIDI OUT will output only the data
coming from the USB. It will not output any MIDI information (keyboard
action and MIDI messages) generated by the piano itself.