Neumann.Berlin bcm 104 Microphone User Manual

USM 69 i
Technical Data
Acoustical operating principle...........................Pressure gradient transducer
Directional pattern.................................. Omnidirectional, wide angle cardioid,
cardioid, hypercardioid, figure-8
Frequency range.....................................................................................20 Hz...20kHz
Sensitivity at 1 kHz into 1 kohm..............................................................13 mV/Pa
Rated impedance................................................................................................ 150 ohms
Rated load impedance..................................................................................1000ohms
Signal-to-noise ratio, CCIR
(rel. 94dB SPL)..............................................70 dB
Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted
(rel. 94dB SPL)................................81 dB
Equivalent noise level, CCIR
.................................................................................24 dB
Equivalent noise level, A-weighted
.............................................................13 dB-A
Maximum SPL for THD 0.5%
....................................................................... 132 dB
Maximum output voltage.........................................................................................3 dBu
Dynamic range of the microphone amplifier (A-weighted)..........119 dB
Supply voltage (P48, IEC61938).........................................................48 V ± 4 V
Current consumption (P48, IEC61938).......................................... 2 x 0.7 mA
Matching connector.................................................................................................XLR 5F
Weight.................................................................................................................................. 510 g
Diameter............................................................................................................30 + 48 mm
Length............................................................................................................................ 293 mm
Electrical features
The amplifiers feature high output capability and extreme-
ly low self noise. Distant sound sources, as well as very loud
sound sources at close range can therefore be recorded
without any problem.
Each amplifier has an active filter. It effectively suppress-
es subsonic interference as caused by wind or structure
borne noise. At the same time, the filter prevents the out-
put transformers from overloading through very low fre-
quency energy.
Use as a mono microphone
The microphones may also be used as completely indepen-
dent mono microphones. There are many applications when
it is important to have a second mono microphone as a back-
up, or when the outputs of microphones with different polar
response characteristics must be available simultaneously.
The outputs of the two microphone channels can be linked
(cascaded). In addition to the individual directional pat-
terns, other characteristics are available through the com-
bination of both channels.
Operational safety
Both microphone systems operate completely independent
from each other.
The second amplifier will be unaffected, even in case of a
faulty ground of the supply voltage for one of the chan-
nels, or a short circuit in one of the outputs.
The microphone is reliable in mono usage, even if only one
of the systems is operated and connected. Its simple and
redundant circuitry guarantees a low failure rate.
Should the DCconverter ever fail, a diode circuit within
the microphone ensures that both systems will remain op-
erational. The cardioid pattern is automatically chosen. The
sensitivity is reduced by 3 dB.
Delivery Range
Microphone USM69i(mt)
Catalog No.
USM 69 i
USM 69 i mt...................................................... blk........006976
Selection of Accessories
Auditorium hanger,
Auditorium hanger, MNV87 mt..........blk........006806
Elastic suspension,
Elastic suspension, EA30Amt...........blk........006347
Windscreen, WS69......................................blk........006750
Battery supply, BS48i-2.........................blk ........006496
Power supply, N248 EU.........................blk........008537
Power supply, N248 US..........................blk........008538
Power supply, N248 UK.........................blk........008539
Microphone cable, IC5...............................blk ........006623
Microphone cable, IC5mt.......................blk........006624
Microphone cable, IC6
(with stand mount swivel) 006621
Adapter Cable, AC20 (1m).....................................006595
A complete survey and detailed descriptions of all
accessories are contained in the accessories catalog.
Meaning of color codes:
blk = black, ni = nickel
Application Hints
• As XY stereo mic
• As MS stereo mic
• Overall stereo main mic (overhead)
• Announcer’s mic for broadcasting, drama, features...
These are just some of the most common applications.
We recommend additional experimentation to gain
maximum use from this microphone.
according to IEC 60268-1; CCIR-weighting acccording to CCIR 468-3, quasi peak; A-weighting according to IEC 61672-1, RMS
measured as equivalent el. input signal