Neumann.Berlin bcm 104 Microphone User Manual

This characteristic is achieved without resort-
ing to corrective resonance effects.
The capsule it is elastically mounted to avoid
any structure borne noise that could interfere
with its operation.
Filter and attenuation
The amplifier handles sound pressure levels
up to 134 dB without distortion.
With a self noise level of 17dB (A-weighted)
the total dynamic range is
117 dB. Maximum sound pres-
sure level is 140dB when the
6 dB rotary switch is in the
ON position.
A low frequency roll-off at
80Hz or 160 Hz can be acti-
vated with the third rotary
switch below the headgrille.
This filter suppresses low frequency interfer-
ence, yet maintains an even frequency response
for close-up sound sources, for
example, when proximity ef-
fect could adversely affect the
program material.
A steep high-pass filter in the
LIN position prevents the out-
put transformer of the micro-
phone from being overloaded
due to undesired subsonic frequencies.
Operational safety
All exposed surfaces of the microphone cap-
sule, including the diaphragms, are at ground
potential. This technology makes them highly
immune to electrical and atmospheric interfer-
ence and contamination through microscopic
dust particles.
Delivery Range
Microphone U89i (mt)
Wooden box
Catalog No.
U 89
U 89 i mt ......................................................blk .......006450
Selection of Accessories
Battery supply, BS48i........................blk .......006494
Power supply, N248 EU..................blk .......008537
Power supply, N248 US...................blk .......008538
Power supply, N248 UK..................blk .......008539
Auditorium hanger,
Auditorium hanger, MNV87mt...blk.......006806
Elastic suspension, ..........007195
Elastic suspension, EA89Amt....blk .......007196
Stand mount swivel, SG89..............blk .......008620
Popscreen, PS20a................................blk .......008488
Windscreen, WS89...............................blk .......007197
Microphone cable, IC4mt
(with stand mount swivel)..................blk .......006557
A complete survey and detailed descriptions of all
accessories are contained in the accessories
Meaning of color codes:
blk = black, ni = nickel
Technical Data
Acoustical operating principle........................ Pressure gradient transducer
Directional pattern...............................Omnidirectional, wide angle cardioid,
cardioid, hypercardioid, figure-8
Frequency range.................................................................................. 20 Hz...20 kHz
Sensitivity at 1 kHz into 1 kohm...............................................................8 mV/Pa
Rated impedance..............................................................................................150 ohms
Rated load impedance..............................................................................1000 ohms
Signal-to-noise ratio, CCIR
(rel. 94dB SPL)...........................................66 dB
Signal-to-noise ratio, A-weighted
(rel. 94dB SPL)............................77 dB
Equivalent noise level, CCIR
..............................................................................28 dB
Equivalent noise level, A-weighted
.........................................................17 dB-A
Maximum SPL for THD 0.5%
................................................................... 134 dB
Maximum SPL for THD 0.5% with preattenuation
.................... 140 dB
Maximum output voltage................................................................................800 mV
Dynamic range of the microphone amplifier (A-weighted).......117 dB
Supply voltage (P48, IEC61938).....................................................48 V ± 4V
Current consumption (P48, IEC61938)................................................0.8 mA
Matching connector.................................................................................................XLR3F
Weight .............................................................................................................................. 400 g
Dimensions.................................................................................Ø 46 mm x 185mm
Application Hints
• A microphone for universal usage
• Use as spot mic for
- wind instruments,
- strings,
- piano
These are just some of the most common applica-
tions. We recommend additional experimentation
to gain maximum use from this microphone.
according to IEC 60268-1; CCIR-weighting acccording to CCIR 468-3, quasi peak; A-weighting according to IEC 61672-1, RMS
measured as equivalent el. input signal