Active Capsule AK30
AK 30 is a diffuse-field equalized pres-
sure transducer with a free-field treble
boost (approx. 7 dB at 10 kHz). The fre-
quency response in the diffuse sound
field is flat up to 10 kHz.
AK 30 ................... blk ........ Cat. No. 069001
AK... active capsules are part of the variable miniature microphone
system. Together with the KM 100 output stage AK... active cap-
Active Capsule AK50
AK 50 is a pressure gradient transducer
with a hypercardioid characteristic. At-
tenuation of sound incidence from the
side or rear is approximately 10 dB. Min-
imum sensitivity occurs at an angle of
about 120°.
AK 50 ................... blk ........Cat. No. 069016
Active Capsules for Miniature Microphone System KM 100
Active Capsule AK45
AK 45 is a pressure gradient transducer
with cardioid characteristic just like the
AK 40. However, it has an acoustic bass
roll-off characteristic in the free field and
therefore suppresses interfering LF noise
(wind, structure-borne noise). Since prox-
imity effect is a natural feature of pressure
gradient microphones, the AK 45 appears
to be optimized for a flat frequency re-
sponse at a recording distance of approxi-
mately 15 cm (speech cardioid).
AK 45 ................... blk ........ Cat. No. 069015
Active Capsule AK31
AK 31 is a free-field equalized pressure
transducer. The sensitivity in the free
sound field is flat up to 20 kHz. In the
diffuse sound field there is a roll-off
above 5 kHz.
AK 31 ................... blk ........ Cat. No. 069002
Active Capsule AK40
AK 40 is a pressure gradient transducer
with cardioid characteristic. The fre-
quency curves are very even and parallel
to 0° sound incidence. Sound sources
within a pickup angle of ± 135° are
transmitted without coloration.
AK 40 ................... blk ........ Cat. No. 069007
Active Capsule AK43
The AK 43 is a pressure gradient trans-
ducer with wide-angle cardioid charac-
teristic. Attenuation: 4 dB at 90°, 8 dB
at 135°, and 11 dB at 180°. The frequen-
cy response for sound sources within an
angle of ± 90° (off axis) is parallel up to
12 kHz.
AK 43 ................... blk ........ Cat. No. 069014
Active Capsule AK 20
AK 20 is a pressure gradient transducer
with the figure-8 characteristic, realized
with a single diaphragm. The diaphragm
diameter is just 16 mm. All sound field
components reach the diaphragm direct-
ly. This results in identical frequency re-
sponse curves and output levels at 0°
and 180° sound incidence. Correspond-
ing accessories allow combining the
AK 20 with other active capsules or mi-
crophones to obtain an MS-Stereo setup.
AK 20 ................... blk........Cat. No. 071659
sules form a complete microphone. AK 30 and KM 100, for example,
make up the KM 130.