Beat Matching:
A mixing technique where two programs with similar beat structure are mixed together in tempo,
creating a seamless transition between the two songs.
An abbreviation of Beat Per Minute (the number of steady even pulses in music occurring in one
minute and therefore defining the tempo).
Beat Grid:
The Grey Lines on top of your song’s Waveform that display the individual beats of your song.
A path the signal takes through the unit via the two EQ/Fader sections.
Fading in one track while fading out another.
A transitional slide control on a mixer for fading in one channel while fading out another, using only
a signal control.
A point in a song that you want to start from, which you select and listen to before using your
Crossfader or Line Fader to increase the volume of the audio so your audience can hear the music.
Cueing is usually done on the first beat of a song, when beat matching.
db (Decibel):
A unit of measurement of audio volume, in relation to a specified reference point such as 0db, which
is an agreed upon standard based on the threshold of hearing of the average person.
DSP Effects (FX):
Electronic filtering or modification of an audio signal to change the sound. In the case of SCS.4DJ
this processing is done by a DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR (DSP)
Equalization (EQ):
The process of boosting or cutting audio signals at a specific frequency, to help one song mix
sonically with another.
Line Fader:
A control used to adjust the volume of an input or output channel on a mixer.
Miniature speakers worn on the head that allow you to hear the audio output, used by DJs to assist
in cueing songs.
LED (Light Emitting Diode):
An electronic light which is illuminated to show the status of a signal or feature. These can be
bi-color, meaning they light two different colors depending on function.