Terminal Operation
For more details on ID settings in redundant mode, please refer to
Chapter 10.
Setting a Secondary Controller’s SCSI ID - Drive Channel
Choose a Drive channel, then press [ENTER]. Choose “Secondary
Controller SCSI ID.” A list of channel IDs displays. Assign an ID to
the chip processor of the secondary controller’s drive channel.
Choose an ID. The dialog box “Change Secondary Controller SCSI
ID?” will appear. Select Yes, then press [ENTER].
Setting Channel Terminator
Choose the channel you wish the terminator enabled or disabled,
then press [ENTER]. Choose “SCSI Terminator”, then press
[ENTER]. A dialog box will appear. Choose Yes, then press
[ENTER]. Terminator can also be enabled by switch jumpers, please
refer to the controller hardware manual for more details.
Setting a Transfer Speed
Drive Channel