3.1.1 Configuring RS-232C Connection via Front Panel
Take the following steps to change the baud rate using the front
panel keypad:
Press ENT for two seconds to enter the
Main Menu. Press ▼ or ▲ to select
"View and Edit Configuration ..", then
press ENT.
Select "Communication Parameters ..",
then press ENT.
Select "RS-232 Configuration ..", then
press ENT.
Select "COM1 Configuration ..", then
press ENT.
Select "Baud-rate 38400 ..", then press
The baud rate default is 38400. If other
baud rate is preferred, press ▼ or ▲ to
select the baud rate, then press ENT for 2
seconds to confirm the selected baud
rate. Set identical baud rate to your
RAID array and your terminal computer.
• The following baud rates are available: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
and 38400.
• Terminal connection should work properly using the above
setting. You may check the following options in your COM port
configuration if you encounter problems:
1. “Comm Route Dir ..”: The communication route should be
configured as “direct to port” instead of “through PPP”.
2. “Term Emul. Enab ..”: Make sure the terminal function has
not been accidentally disabled.
View and Edit
Config Parms ↕
Parameters ..
Configuration ..
Configuration ..
Baud-rate 38400
Baud-rate 38400
Change to 19200?