long as no host accesses that drive. Changing the check time to any
other value allows the controller to check – at the selected time
interval – all of the drives that are listed under “View and Edit SCSI
Drives.” If any drive is then removed, the controller will be able to
know – even if no host accesses that drive.
Idle Drive Failure Detection
Periodic Auto-Detect Failure Drive Swap Check Time
The “Drive-Swap Check Time” is the interval at which the controller
checks to see whether a failed drive has been swapped. When a
logical drive’s member drive fails, the controller will detect the
failed drive (at the selected time interval). Once the failed drive has
been swapped with a drive that has adequate capacity to rebuild the
logical drive, the rebuild will begin automatically.
The default setting is “Disabled,” meaning that the controller will
not Auto-Detect the swap of a failed drive. To enable this feature,
select a time interval.
Choose “Periodic Drive Check Time;” then press [ENTER]. Move
cursor to the desired interval; then press [ENTER]. Choose Yes in
the dialog box that follows to confirm the setting.