
Redundant Controller
Power-off controller 1, and then power on
controller 2. Set controller 2 to "Autocfg" as
described previously. Power off controller 2.
When the redundant controller function is set to
the "Autocfg" setting, the controllers will decide
between themselves which will be the Primary
controller. If you need to specify a particular
controller as Primary or Secondary, do not set it
as "autocfg;" choose "Primary" or "Secondary"
instead. Please refer to the following section for
more detail.
Redundant Configuration Using Manual Setting
Power on controller 1. Make sure controller 2 is powered-off.
1. Enable Redundant Controller
Press [ENT] for two seconds on the front panel of
controller 1 to enter the main menu. Use or
to navigate through the menus. Choose "View
and Edit Peripheral Dev..," then press [ENT].
Choose "Set Peripheral Device Entry," then press
Choose "Redundant Ctlr Function__," and then
press [ENT]. (Note: The current setting will be
displayed on the LCD. If this controller has never
been set as a redundant controller before, the
default setting of the redundant controller
function is "disabled." The message "Redundant
Ctlr Function Disable" will be displayed on the
LCD screen. Press [ENT] to proceed.)
The message "Enable Redundant Ctlr: Autocfg?"
will appear. Use or to scroll through the
available options ("Primary," "Secondary," or
"Autocfg"). Press [ENT] for two seconds on
2. Controller Unique ID
Enter “View and Edit Config Parms”->
“Controller Parameters”. Use or to find
“Ctlr Unique ID- xxxxx”.
This value will be used to generate a controller-
unique WWN node name and port names and to
identify the controller during the failover process.
View and Edit
Peripheral Dev
Set Peripheral
Devices Entry
Redundant Ctlr
Function Disable
Enable Redundant
Ctlr: Autocfg ?
Ctlr Unique
ID- 00012 ?
Parameters ..
View and Edit
Config Parms