
lcsadm Interface
Screen 8-2: Session Directory
Top>Manager># session
># Return
Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:
config/ help kill manager/ ports/
quit service/ show top/ trace
types ^ !
The following commands are available from the Session directory:
Name kill
Synopsis kill service-type sesid [sesid ...]
Description The kill command terminates a session with the specific
service type and session ID (sesid) entered. This command
requires root permission.
Name show
show [[ -i interval][-v][-w filename] [service-type] [sesid ...]]
show [ -i interval][-w filename] ppp [link/ip/atalk/ipx]
show [ -i interval][-w filename] ppp <sesid> [link/ip/atalk/ipx/all]
Description The show command gives session statistics such as con-
nect time, idle time, and receive/transmit byte counts.
The -i flag gives a continuous output at the specified inter-
val; -v gives a verbose output. The -w flag puts the com-
mand output in the named file (filename). The statistics can
be generated for all occurrences of the named service-type
or individually by session ID (sesid). Service types are
tcpasy (TCP-to-async), asytcp (async-to-TCP), slip, ppp,
and arap. Arguments other than service-type are optional.
Entering show without arguments will display statistics
for all sessions.
When specifying ppp as the service type, the ip, link,
atalk, ipx, and all options are available to show IP, link,
8-8 Issue 3