
FTP FTP ( 1 )
ascii Set the data representation type to ascii. This is the default type.
bell Toggle a bell that sounds after each file transfer command is completed.
By default the bell is turned off.
Set the data representation type to binary.
bye Terminate the FTP session with the remote server and exit the ftp program.
case Toggle case-mapping of remote file names during an mget command.
When case-mapping is enabled, uppercase letters in the remote file name
are changed to lowercase letters in the local file name. By default case-
mapping is turned off.
cd remote-directory
Change the working directory on the remote host to remote-directory.
cdup Change the working directory on the remote host to the parent (..) of the
current working directory.
chmod mode remote-file
Change the permission mode on the remote file or directory to mode per
the chmod(1) command.
close Terminate the FTP session with the remote server and return to the com-
mand interpreter.
cr Toggle carriage-return stripping during ASCII file retrieval. When
enabled, the carriage-return is stripped from each carriage-return/linefeed
record delimiter sequence encountered in the file, leaving the linefeed
record delimiter sequence recognized by UNIX. By default, carriage-
return stripping is on.
Toggle debug mode. When debug mode is on, each FTP protocol com-
mand sent to the remote server will be displayed, preceded by the string
-->. By default, debug mode is off.
delete remote-file
Delete the file remote-file on the remote host.
dir [rfile [lfile] options [[rfile] lfile]]
List the current working directory or the specified (rfile) file or directory on
the remote host. Specified options are supplied to the remote list command
(for example, the UNIX ls command or the VMS dir command). The list
can be displayed on the standard output device or placed in the specified
(lfile) local file.
A synonym for close.
Issue 3 E-11