
lcsadm Interface
Name upgrade
Synopsis upgrade
Description This command generates a menu which allows you to per-
form a remote upgrade of the LCS60. Refer to the Chapter
9 for complete details of the remote upgrade feature.
Name viewhosts or viewnets
Synopsis viewhosts or viewnets
Description The viewhosts command displays the internet addresses
and host names of all hosts on a specific network or on all
networks that are currently in the network database as
well as IP reserved addresses for SLIP and PPP. viewnets
displays all networks (names, numbers, and aliases) in the
database configuration (as found in the /etc/networks file).
Typical Administrative Tasks
This section gives a few examples of tasks the LCS60 Administrator may per-
form. For LCS60 service-specific tasks refer to the appropriate chapter: PPP
(Chapter 4), SLIP (Chapter 5), ARAP (Chapter 6), gateway (Chapter 7).
Issue 3 8-21