
lcsadm Interface
Name nodename
Synopsis nodename
Description This command allows the system administrator to
set/change the LCS60 node name. Refer to initsetup in
Chapter 3.
Name subnet
Synopsis subnet
Description This command allows the system administrator to enter
subnetwork information for the LCS60.
The following administrative/maintenance commands are available from the
Config directory:
Name backup
Synopsis backup
Description This command generates a menu which allows you to per-
form the full range of LCS60 backup and restore opera-
tions. Refer to the section Backup and Restore Operations
later in this chapter.
Name console
Synopsis console
Description This command is used to set system console parameters.
Currently, it can be used to enable or disable the autobaud
feature. Refer to the section System Console Parameters
Autobaud later in this chapter.
Name softwarekey
Synopsis softwarekey
8-18 Issue 3