
Table of Contents
LCS60 Application Software Installation 9-9
Removing the LCS60 Application Software 9-13
Upgrade 9-15
Remote Upgrade 9-16
Installing an Upgrade on a Remote Upgrade Client 9-16
Processor Board Firmware Update 9-19
Processor Diagnostics - MVME197 9-23
VMEDKHS Diagnostics 9-25
Connection Verification 9-28
LCS60 to Data Switch Connected Host Verification
(dkcu) 9-28
LCS60 to Data Switch Verification Loopback Test
(dkcu) 9-29
LCS60 to Local Ethernet Host Verification (ping) 9-29
Memory Dump 9-30
After the Dump is Completed 9-32
Originating Group Security
srvtab A-1
Server Table A-1
System Field A-2
Service Field A-3
Flags Field A-4
User Field A-5
Program Field A-6
Initial Parms Field A-7
Server Table Scanning Rules A-8
Modifications to the Server Table A-9
Server Table Validation and Matching A-9
StarKeeper II NMS
Configuration of the StarKeeper II NMS B-1
Diskette or Tape Installation B-1
StarKeeper II NMS Configuration Commands B-4
Alarms to StarKeeper II NMS B-6
Issue 2 vii