
StarKeeper II NMS
Alarms to StarKeeper II NMS
L600640 Process tlid is down.
Description: The tlid process is not executing.
Action: Restart the tlid process by entering lcsadm -c stop tcpip and then lcsadm
-c start all from the LCS60 system console. If the problem occurs again, reboot the
system (cd / ; /etc/shutdown -y -g0 -i6). Refer to the start all command in
Chapter 8.
Call your LCS60 support personnel if the problem persists.
L600645 An IP Network Security Group <servername> process is
Description: An IP Network Security group process is not executing.
Action: Log onto the LCS60 system console and restart the process (or processes)
by executing sh /etc/init.d/ipas_dkitrc restart from the LCS60 system console.
Call your LCS60 support personnel if the problem persists.
L600665 Process atmgr is down.
Description: The atmgr process is not executing.
Action: Restart the atmgr process by entering the lcsadm -c start atalk command
from the LCS60 system console. If the problem occurs again, use the cd /;
/etc/shutdown -y -g0 -i6 command to reboot the system.
Call your LCS60 support personnel if the problem persists.
L600725 Process snmpd is down.
Description: The snmpd process is not executing.
Action: Restart the snmpd process by executing lcsadm -c start snmp from the
LCS60 system console.
Call your LCS60 support personnel if the problem persists.
B-8 Issue 3