Chapter 19 System Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
sys filter set clear [set#] This clears the specified set entry.
sys filter set destip [dest-
Sets the destination IP address and subnet mask of the set
TCP/IP rules only.
sys filter set destport [dest-
Sets the destination port and compare type.
TCP/IP rules only.
sys filter set disable Disables the rule. You need to specify which set to disable by first
using sys filter set index [set#][rule#].
sys filter set display Displays buffer information.
sys filter set display [set#]
Displays filter set information on the specified rule.
sys filter set enable Enables a rule. You need to specify which set to enable by first using
sys filter set index [set#][rule#].
sys filter set freememory Discards changes and frees the working buffer. Use this command
before specifying a set to configure using sys filter set index
sys filter set index
Sets the index of the filter set rule to be configured. You need to do
this before configuring a rule.
sys filter set length [length] Sets the length value for the generic filter. Use sys filter set
type generic to set the set type to generic first before applying this
length: This value describes the number of sequential bits in a
packet to be examined for pattern-matching as specified in a rule.
The range for this value is 0-8. Use sys filter set offset
[offset] to specify the first bit to be examined.
Generic rules only.
sys filter set log
Sets a log depending on whether a packet matches the set
none: No packets will be logged.
match: Only packets that match the rule will be logged.
notmatch: Only packets that do not match the rule will be logged.
both: All packets will be logged.
sys filter set mask [data-mask] Sets the mask to be applied to the packet data (delimited by the offset
and length values) before comparing it with the generic rule.
data-mask: Enter this value in hexadecimal notation.
Generic rules only.
sys filter set more [yes|no] Sets the filter to check the next rule or not. If this is enabled then sys
filter actmatch and sys filter actnomatch commands are
sys filter set name [set#][set-
Sets the name of a filter set.
sys filter set offset [offset] Sets the offset value for the generic filter. Use sys filter set
type generic to set the set type to generic first before applying this
offset: This value describes after which bit in a packet the filter
begins to search for a sequence of bits as specified in a rule. For
example, enter “2” to begin pattern matching at the third bit. The
range for this value is 0-255.
Generic rules only.
Table 44 sys Commands (continued)