Chapter 20 VoIP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
20.11 VoIP Auto-Provision Commands
Use these commands to execute auto-provisioning functions on the ZyXEL Device.
20.12 VoIP Dial Plan Commands
Use these commands to configure the dial plan on the ZyXEL Device.
20.12.1 VoIP Dial Plan Overview
One of the first VoIP planning steps is setting up the dial plan that defines how long phone
numbers are, which gateways are used to complete calls and whether any manipulation of the
numbers dialed should take place.
Dial plans contain specific dialing patterns so that users can reach a particular telephone
number. Access codes, area codes, specialized codes, and combinations of the numbers of
digits dialed are all a part of any particular dial plan. Dial plans used with voice-capable
routers essentially describe the process of determining which and how many digits to store in
each of the configurations. If the dialed digits match the number and patterns, the call is
processed for forwarding.
All telephony networks require a dial plan that describes what happens when you dial which
numbers. In the U.S., for example, there is the North American Numbering Plan, which is why
we put a "011" before international calls and "1" before an area code and phone number. These
kinds of things are all specified in a dial plan. Dial Rules
The dial plan specifies how to interpret digit sequences dialed by users, and how to convert
those sequences into an outbound dial string.
Table 58 Execute Auto-Provisioning Command Summary
voice autopro active Enables or disables autoprovision of VoIP related
voice autopro startnow Initiates the auto-provisioning process.
voice autopro terminate Stops the auto-provisioning process.
voice autopro start Initiates the autoprovisioning process.
voice autopro status Displays auto-provisioning status.
AUTO_PRO_TRY_NONE: auto-provision has not been
AUTO_PRO_TRY_ONCE: auto-provision attempted to run
one time, there is no timer running.
AUTO_PRO_TRY_N_SUCCESS: auto-provision tried to run
and succeeded, the timer is set.
AUTO_PRO_TRY_N_FAIL: auto-provision attempted to
run and failed, the timer is set.
AUTO_PRO_ON_PROGRESS: auto-proviosion is currently