Chapter 20 VoIP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
20.9.1 VoIP Call Forwarding Command Examples
This example configures the following call forwarding rules:
• If phone is busy, forward to 555-5555.
• If no Answer within 10 seconds, forward to 555-5555.
voice config forward table <index> <entry-
id> <caller> <dest> <0:unconditional
1:busy 2:noanswer 3:block 4: accept>
Sets a call-forwarding rule based on the incoming call
number. You can specify the type of call forwarding.
3:block - drops calls from the specified phone number.
4: accept - this setting overrides general forwarding
voice config forward clear <index>
<entry|uncond|busy|noans|all> <entry_id>
Deletes a call-forwarding rule.
voice config forward save <index> Saves the call-forwarding rule configuration in the
working buffer to permanent memory. The working buffer
is a volatile memory space. The settings in the working
buffer are not applied to the ZyXEL Device until you
execute this command.
voice config forward display <index> Displays the saved values for the specified call
forwarding table.
voice config forward free Clears the working buffer for the specified configuration.
Any unsaved changes are lost.
Table 56 Call-forwarding Command Summary