Chapter 19 System Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
sys qe acl delete <index> Removes an ACL rule from the QE (quick engine) ACL table.
sys qe acl display Shows the QE (quick engine) ACL table.
sys qe acl reset [on|off] Refreshes the QE (quick engine) ACL table.
sys qe active [on|off] Enables or disables quick engine.
sys qe arp add <target-ip> ether
<target-mac> interface
<interface-ip> chann <channel-
Adds an ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) entry in the QE (quick
engine) ARP table.
sys qe arp delete <target-ip>
Removes an ARP entry from the QE (quick engine) ARP table.
sys qe arp display [on|off] Shows the QE (quick engine) ARP table.
sys qe arp reset Refreshes the QE (quick engine) ARP table.
sys qe arp search <ip-address>
Searchs for a specified ARP entry in the QE (quick engine) ARP
sys qe arp starttimer Starts the ARP timer that sets how often the ZyXEL Device updates
the QE ARP entries.
sys qe arp stoptimer Stops the ARP timer that sets how often the ZyXEL Device updates
the QE ARP entries.
sys qe bridge add <src-mac> <id> Adds a bridge entry in the QE bridge table.
src-mac: Enters the source MAC address.
id: Enters the channel ID.
sys qe bridge bltlookup <src-
mac> <id>
Looks up the bridge local type in the QE bridge table.
sys qe bridge delete <target-
Removes a bridge entry from the QE bridge table.
sys qe bridge display Displays the QE bridge table.
sys qe bridge search <src-mac> Searchs for a specified bridge entry in the QE bridge table
sys qe bridge reset [on|off] Refreshes the QE (quick engine) bridge table.
sys qe config [0: off | flags] Sets the features supported in QE, such as quick route.
sys qe debug [on|off] Displays or sets the QE debug flag.
sys qe NFAIFlag Activates NAT Fragment Anti-idiot.
sys qe poe active [on|off] Turns on or off QE for PPPoE.
sys qe poe display Displays the current status of QE PPPoE.
sys qe route add <dest-ip>[/
<bits>] <gateway-ip> <interface-
ip> [<metric>]
Adds a routing entry in the QE routing table.
sys qe route delete <ip-
Removes a routing entry in the QE routing table.
sys qe route display Displays the QE routing table.
sys qe route reset [on|off] Refreshes the QE routing table.
sys qe route search <target-ip> Searchs for a specified routing entry in the QE routing table.
Table 44 sys Commands (continued)