Chapter 20 VoIP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
20.12.2 VoIP Dial Plan Command Summary
The following section lists the commands for this feature.
20.12.3 VoIP Dial Plan Command Examples
This example configures a dial plan which only allows US-style (1 + area code + local
number) dialing sequences.
This example creates a dial plan that also allows 7-digit US-style dialing, and automatically
inserts a 1 + 212 (local area code) in the transmitted number.
This example creates a dial plan which requires a user to dial 8 as a prefix for local calls and 9
as a prefix for long distance.
This example creates a dial plan which allows US-style long distances, but blocks 9xx area
Table 60 Dial Plan Command Summary
voice dialplan clear Clears the dial plan in memory.
voice dialplan dial <phone-number> Simulates dialing digits for dial plan parsing.
voice dialplan load Loads the dial plan from permanent memory and
overwrites the dial plan in runtime memory.
voice dialplan save Saves the dial plan to permanent memory.
voice dialplan set <dial-plan> Sets up a dial plan rule.
dial-plan: You can specify multiple dial plan
sequences. The collection of sequences must be
enclosed in paranthesis ().
voice dialplan show Displays dial plan details.
voice dialplan switch <0:off|1:on> Enables or disables the dial plan.
voice dialplan debug Enables or disables the dial plan debug mode.
ras> voice dialplan set (1 xxx xxxxxxx)
ras> voice dialplan save
ras> voice dialplan set (1 xxx xxxxxxx | <:1212> xxxxxxx)
ras> voice dialplan save
ras> voice dialplan set (<9:> 1 xxx xxxxxxx | <8:1212> xxxxxxx)
ras> voice dialplan save
ras> voice dialplan set (1 [2-8]xx [2-9]xxxxxx)
ras> voice dialplan save