Chapter 20 VoIP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
20.5.1 VoIP Speed Dial Command Examples
This example configures a speed dial entry for a peer-to-peer call with an IP phone located at
the IP address, with the SIP number 12345. Users will have to dial #01 to reach
this speed dial entry.
20.6 VoIP Common Settings Commands
Use these commands to configure IVR (Interactive Voice Response), PSTN fallback and other
common settings on the ZyXEL Device.
ras> voice config phbook index 1
ras> voice config phbook active 1 1
PhoneBook active on
ras> voice config phbook orignum 1 12345
ras> voice config phbook forcesipuri 1
ras> voice config phbook type 1 1
ras> voice config phbook speednum 1 #01
ras> voice config phbook name 1 Andre
ras> voice config phbook save 1
ras> voice config phbook display 1
origNumber: 12345
speedNumber: #01
name: Andre
flags: active
type: non-Proxy
Table 53 Common Settings Command Summary
voice config common index <index> Specifies the common settings entry index for
voice config common ivrsyspermit <index>
Enables (1) or disables (0) changing the IVR settings.
voice config common specialFlag <index>
<special flag|h:for help>
This is a command which tests SIP communication. It is
a 2-bit binary flag.
Bit 0 specifies when to send RTP traffic. If bit 0 is set to 0,
then send RTP after sending 200OK message, otherwise
send RTP after receiving ACK message.
Bit 1 specifies when to send 200OK message. If set to 0,
then send 200OK message when receive NOTIFY
message, otherwise follow RFC3265.
voice config common ivrcodec <index>
Sets the voice codecs to be used by the ZyXEL Device.
Type one of the following:
• 0 to enable G.711 µ
• 4 to enable G.723
• 8 to enable G.711 A
• 18 to enable G.729 - This setting is recommended.
• 97 to enable G.726 24K
• 98 to enable G.726 32K