Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
wcfg radius <1 ~ 8> primaryauth <IP>
<port-number> <shared-secret>
Sets the primary RADIUS authentication server
wcfg radius <1 ~ 8> save Saves the specified RADIUS policy.
wcfg radius <1 ~ 8> show Displays the specified RADIUS policy settings.
wcfg radius display [1 ~ 8] Displays the staus of all RADIUS policies or the
specified RADIUS policy.
wcfg radius saveall Saves all RADIUS policies.
wcfg radius spdisplay [1 ~ 8] Displays settings of all RADIUS policies or the
specified RADIUS policy before saving.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> clear Removes the specified security profile.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> groupkeytime
<10 ~ 65535>
Sets the rate at which the AP or RADIUS server
sends a new group key out to all clients
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> idletime <10 ~
Sets the time interval before the ZyXEL Device
automatically disconnects a wireless client from the
wired network after a period of inactivity.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> mode
Sets the security mode of the specified security
security-mode: none | wep | wpa |
wpapsk | wpa2 | wpa2mix | wpa2psk |
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> name <policy-
Sets the name of the specified security profile.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> passphrase
Sets the passphrase for the wpapsk, wpa2psk, and
wpa2pskmix security modes.
passphrase: Types a pre-shared key from 8 to 63
case-sensitive ASCII characters.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> reauthtime <10
~ 65535>
Sets how often wireless stations have to re-send
usernames and passwords in order to stay
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> save Saves the specified security profile.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> show Displays the specified security profile settings.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> wep auth
Sets the WEP authentication method for this
security profile.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> wep <key1 ~
key4> <key-string>
Sets the WEP key used to encrypt data for this
security profile.
key-string: Enters any 5, 13 or 16 characters
(ASCII string) or 10, 26 or 32 hexadecimal
characters ("0-9", "A-F") for a 64-bit, 128-bit or 152-
bit WEP key respectively.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> wep keyindex
<1 ~ 4>
Sets a default WEP key to use for data encryption.
wcfg security <1 ~ 8> wep keysize
<64|128|152> <ascii|hex>
Sets the size and type of the WEP key(s) in this
security profile.
wcfg security display [1 ~ 8] Displays the staus of all security profiles or the
specified security profile.
wcfg security saveall Saves all security profiles.
Table 69 General Wireless Commands (continued)