DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
VoIP Commands
Use these commands to configure VoIP settings on the ZyXEL Device.
20.1 VoIP RTP Commands
Use these commands to configure Real-time Transport Protocol settings on the ZyXEL
20.1.1 VoIP RTP Command Examples
This example displays the RTP settings configured on the ZyXEL Device.
Table 46 RTP Command Summary
voice config rtp index <index> Selects an RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) index for
voice config rtp packetsize <index> g711
<0:10ms|1:20ms|2:30ms> g729
Specifies the transmit period of RTP packets for G.711
and G.729 codecs.
voice config rtp rtcpinterval <index>
Specifies the RTCP (RTP Control Protocol) interval. This
is the time interval at which the ZyXEL Device sends
control packets during calls.
voice config rtp save <index> Saves the RTP configuration iin the working buffer to
non-volatile memory. The working buffer is a volatile
memory space. The settings in the working buffer are not
applied to the ZyXEL Device until you execute this
voice config rtp display <index> Displays the saved values for the specified RTP
voice config rtp dumpCfg Displays the configured values in the working buffer for
the specified configuration.
voice config rtp free Clears the working buffer for the specified configuration.
Any unsaved changes are lost.
ras> voice config rtp display 1
RTP[1] Display
Sort Buffer Size ms :10
RTCP Interval ms :0
G711 voice Packet Length ms :20
G729 voice Packet Length ms :20