Chapter 13 IP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
ip igmp iface <interface> ttl
Sets the IGMP Time To Live threshold.
ip igmp iface <interface>
v1compat [on|off]
Turns IGMP version 1 compatibility on or off for the
specified interface.
ip igmp proxy [0|1] Set 1 to send the IGMP leave message immediately while
set 0 to wait a time interval (260 seconds) before sending
the leave message.
ip igmp robustness [2-
Sets the IGMP robustness variable.
ip igmp status Displays the IGMP status.
ip mcastChan
Displays or controls whether the ZyXEL Device sends the
multicast packets to the LAN or WLAN or both.
ip ping <address> Pings a remote host IP address or domain name.
ip policyrouting set index
<set-number> <rule-number>
Loads or allocates a working buffer to editing a policy route
rule. You must apply this command first before you begin to
configure the IP policy route rules.
set-number: 1-12
rule-number: 1-6
ip policyrouting set name
Sets the name of IP policy route set.
ip policyrouting set active
Enables or disables the IP policy route rule.
ip policyrouting set criteria
protocol <0:don’t
Sets the IP policy route protocol ID.
ip policyrouting set criteria
serviceType <0:don’t
care|1:normal|2:min delay|3:
max thruput|4:max
reliable|5:min cost>
This sets the Type of Service (TOS) values to prioritize the
incoming network traffic. The values include normal
service, minimize delay, maximize throughput, maximize
reliability, or minimize cost.
ip policyrouting set criteria
precedence <0-7|8:don’t care>
Sets the IP policy route precedence.
ip policyrouting set criteria
packetlength <length>
Sets the IP policy route packet length.
ip policyrouting set criteria
lencomp <1:equal|2:not
or equal|6:greater or equal>
Sets the IP policy route criteria for the specified packet
length above.
ip policyrouting set criteria
srcip <start-ip> <end-ip>
Sets the IP policy route source IP address
ip policyrouting set criteria
srcport <start-port> <end-
Sets the IP policy route source ports.
ip policyrouting set criteria
destip <start-ip> <end-ip>
Sets the IP policy route destination IP addresses.
Table 30 IP Commands (continued)