Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
wlan wds defaultkeyid <1~4> Sets a default WEP key to use for data encryption in
wlan wds show Displays the current WDS settings.
wlan wds remove <mac> Deletes a specified WDS link.
wlan wep key default <1|2|3|4> Activates one of the four WEP keys to encrypt
wireless data transmission.
wlan wep key set <1|2|3|4> <key> Sets the specified WEP key. The number of
characters you enter as the <key> depends on the
WEP keysize you selected.
If you use a 64-bit key, enter 5 ASCII characters or
10 hexadecimal characters ("0-9", "A-F").
If you use a 128-bit WEP key, enter 13 ASCII
characters or 26 hexadecimal characters.
If you use a 152-bit WEP key, enter 16 ASCII
characters or 32 hexadecimal characters.
wlan wep type <none|64|128|256> Sets the length of the WEP security key.
wlan wps setopmode <0~4> Sets the WPS operating mode.
0: Disable to activate WPS.
1: Enrollee to have the ZyXEL Device work as a
WPS enrollee.
2: Proxy to have the ZyXEL Device work as a WPS
4: Registrar to have the ZyXEL Device work as a
WPS registrar.
wlan wps setstatus <1|2> Sets the ZyXEL Device to be configured or
1: AP is un-configured
2: AP is configured
wlan wps setconfmethod <1|2> Sets the method used to configure WPS.
1: use PIN code (Personal Identification Number)
2: use PBC (Push Button Communication)
wlan wps setenrolleepin <pin> Sets the PIN of the device that you are setting up a
WPS connection with.
wlan wps start <0|1> Starts or stops adding a wireless device to your
wireless network using WPS.
0: Disable
1: Enable
wlan wps setdevname <name> Sets your device name in WPS.
wlan wps setmanuname <name> Sets the WPS manufacturer name.
wlan wps setmodelname <name> Sets the WPS model name.
wlan wps setserial <number> Sets the WPS serial number.
wlan wps setvendorpin <pin> Enters up to eight digits to set a user-defined WPS
PIN code in the enrollee device.
wlan wps showStatus Displays WPS configurations.
wlan wps genPIN <Yes:1|No:0> Sets the ZyXEL Device to create a new PIN.
Table 69 General Wireless Commands (continued)