Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
wlan qos setwmmac <0:AP|1:STA>
<0:VO|1:VI|2:BE|3:BK> <aifs>
<cwmin> <cwmax> <txop-g> <txop-b>
Sets the ZyXEL Device’s current WMM settings for
the specified access category, as follows.
VO: Voice
VI: Video
BE: Best effort
BK: Background
aifs is the arbitration inter-frame space number
(1~1023). This controls the additional waiting period
prior to sending a packet of the previously-specified
The waiting period itself is known as the arbitration
inter-frame space or AIFS (as distinct from the
arbitration inter-frame space number aifs). In this
command, the aifs parameter allows you to
specify the AIFS as follows:
AIFS = aifs * slot-time.
Standard slot times are as follows:
IEEE 802.11a: 9 µs
IEEE 802.11b: 20 µs
IEEE 802.11g: 9 µs
IEEE 802.11b/g: 20 µs
so an aifs of 100 in an IEEE802.11g network
results in an AIFS of 900µs.
When the AIFS time has elapsed, the ZyXEL Device
waits for a further time period, known as the
contention window (CW), for collision avoidance
cwmin is the minimum contention window value,
and cwmax is the maximum contention window
value. The cwmin and cwmax values are 2
-1 in the
range 1~1024, so allowed values are 1, 3, 7, 15, 31,
63, 511 and 1023.
The cwmin value must be smaller than or equal to
the cwmax value. The cwmin and cwmax values are
multiples of the slot time, so a cwmin value of 15 in
an IEEE 802.11g network would result in a minimum
contention window of 135µs.
The CW length is defined by a random number
between the cwmin and cwmax values. The CW
length increases with every retry, until it reaches
txop-g is the transmission opportunity limit for
packets sent over an IEEE802.11g network, and
txop-b is the transmission opportunity limit for
packets sent over an IEEE802.11b network. The
transmission opportunity limit is the largest
permitted single wireless transmission; when data is
too big, it is split up into separate wireless
Use ack-policy to set whether received
transmissions are acknowledged. Enter 0 to send
acknowledgements, or enter 1 to send no
acknowledgements. Acknowledgements increase
reliability, but also increase the quantity of traffic.
wlan qos showwmmac Displays the ZyXEL Device’s current WMM access
category settings.
Table 69 General Wireless Commands (continued)