Chapter 20 VoIP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
20.4.1 Analog Phone Command Examples
This example configures the settings for the analog phone port 1 on the ZyXEL Device. It sets
the ZyXEL Device the volume it sends to the analog phone to the maximum 14 and it sets the
volume it sends out from this analog phone to 13.
20.5 VoIP Speed Dial Commands
Use these commands to configure speed dial entries on the ZyXEL Device.
ras> voice config fxs index 1
ras> voice config fxs inputvolume 1 14
ras> voice config fxs outputvolume 1 13
ras> voice config fxs save 1
Table 52 Speed Dial Command Summary
voice config phbook index <index> Specifies the speed dial entry index for configuration.
voice config phbook active <index>
Enables or disables this speed dial entry.
voice config phbook orignum <index> <0~32> Sets the SIP number that the ZyXEL Device dials when
the speed dial number is entered.
voice config phbook forcesipuri <index>
Sets the ZyXEL Device to use an IP address or URI to
complete this speed dial call. This is used for peer-to-
peer calls or calls that use a different SIP server from the
ones defined in the SIP accounts.
voice config phbook speednum <index>
Sets the speed dial number for this speed dial entry. This
is the number callers must dial to perform this speed dial
voice config phbook name <index> <name> Sets a name for this speed dial entry.
voice config phbook type <index>
Specifies whether this entry should use an existing SIP
account (proxy) or whether it should be a call to a SIP
server not specifed in the SIP accounts configured on the
ZyXEL Device (non-proxy).
voice config phbook save <index> Saves the speed dial entry in the working buffer to non-
volatile memory.
The working buffer is a volatile memory space. The
settings in the working buffer are not applied to the
ZyXEL Device until you execute this command.
voice config phbook display <index> Displays the saved values for the speed dial entry.
voice config phbook dumpCfg <index> Displays the configured values in the working buffer for
the specified configuration.
voice config phbook free Clears the working buffer. Any unsaved changes are lost.