Editing Mixes: Chapter 5
QSR Reference Manual 6
The Range function allows you to restrict each MIDI channel to a specific range of the
keyboard. This is ideal for creating splits (e.g., bass in the lower octave and a half,
piano in the middle three octaves, and strings in the upper octave). In order to hear
anything on a particular channel, turn the MIDI In parameter on (KBD/MIDI
function) set the Range so that the low note and high note values are set beyond
where you want to play. Look at the bottom section of the display. A circle will
appear around any active MIDI channels as you play notes or send notes to the QSR
from a sequencer on those channels.
Lower Limit (MIDI note 000 to 127/ C-2 to G8) Page 1
Specifies the lowest note of the sound’s keyboard range. While the Lower Limit
parameter’s value is selected in the display (the cursor appears beneath it), you can
set the lower limit by tapping the key on the keyboard you want to set as the lowest
note in the range.
High Limit (MIDI note 000 to 127/ C-2 to G8) Page 2
Specifies the highest note of the sound’s keyboard range. While the High Limit
parameter’s value is selected in the display (the cursor appears beneath it), you can
set the lower limit by tapping the key on the keyboard you want to set as the highest
note in the range.
If the low limit is set above the high limit, you will be able to play this program layer at the
lower and upper ends of the keyboard, but not in the middle between the two limit settings.
C-2 C-1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 G8
0 1224364860728496108120127
QS8 Keyboard Range
Program Sound Range
The Name function allows you to change the name of the Mix. The Mix name can be
up to 10 characters long. Use the [
] buttons to position the cursor
and the [VALUE] knob to select the character. Here is a chart of available characters:
! " #$%&’ ( ) * +, - . / 0123
456789: ; <=>?@ABCDEFG
¥] ^_` abcdef ghi j kl mno
pqrst uvwxyz{| } →←