Making a graphical representation
A synoptic layout is a graphical representation of the actual location of the
DCN microphones, delegate units and chairman units in a room or hall.
What you create on screen is a plan view of how your conference venue
looks. The layout mode of Synoptic Microphone Control contains tools for
creating and editing such layouts. Icons (graphical representations) of the
DCN contribution equipment are used to build up the layout.
In control mode, the icons you have positioned in the layout become func-
tional, and a conference can be monitored and/or controlled. The icons are
used as status indicators or buttons to initiate actions for the DCN unit the
icon represents. Icons cannot be moved in control mode, but a layout can
always be edited by returning to layout mode.
Before creating a layout, it is useful to know the seat numbers assigned to all
microphones connected to the DCN. This helps assigning seat numbers to
icons in your layout, as Synoptic Microphone Control does not give a list of all
available seat numbers. Seat numbers are assigned using the System Installa-
tion software (LBB 3585) and are stored in an installation file.
Digital Congress Network Synoptic Microphone Control
Page 1-3 Software User Manual