Mix Matrix
The DSP architecture contains a mix matrix that connects the line inputs to the line
outputs. The DSP Configurator GUI provides control of the mix matrix, used to set mix
levels from the post processing inputs, to each line output bus. Each of the four line inputs
is connected to a mix-point for each of the four line outputs. In general, mix levels are set
relative to each other, achieving a desired blend of input signals at an optimal output level,
close to, but not exceeding 0 dBFS at the line output Volume block level meter (while
accounting for processing that may occur in the line output signal chain).
Shown below is a drawing of the DMP 44 LC represented in DSP Configurator, with a red
box indicating the mix matrix.
From the mix matrix, any or all of the four inputs may be routed to any or all of the four
Mix Points
Figure 18. Mix Matrix (Outlined in Red)
Clicking a mix-point brings focus to that mix-point. Double-clicking a mix-point opens a
configuration dialog window, as shown below, with the following components:
• Mono Fader — Sets mix level to the output bus. Gain range is -24 dB to +12 dB.
Fader behavior is identical to the input channel gain block described in the line input
section with the exception that coarse adjustment <Page up> or <Page down>
increases or decreases in 5 dB increments.
• Mute — Mutes and unmutes the signal to the output bus.
DMP 44 LC • Operation 33